
Vstupenky / Tickets

Utorok – Štvrtok / Tuesday – Thursday – zdarma / free

Piatok / Friday – 3€

Sobota / Saturday –  3€

Nedeľa / Sunday – 3€

3-dňový lístok / 3 days ticket – 7€

Deti do 15 rokov vstup zdarma / Children till 15 years old free

Lístky je možné zakúpiť na pokladni pri vstupe do areálu.

Tickets can be purchased at the ticket box at the entrance to the area.



These airports are connected to all world major destinations:

Bratislava                     www.bts.aero

Krakow                        www.krakowairport.pl

Vienna                         www.viennaairport.com

Prague                         www.prg.aero

Budapest                      www.bud.hu

Košice                          www.airportkosice.sk

Brno                            www.brno-airport.cz

Poprad                         www.airport-poprad.sk


Poprad Airport – 54km – 35min drive

Košice Airport – 182km – 2 hours drive

Bratislava Airport – 276 km – 3 hours drive

Krakow Airport – 173 km – 3 hours drive

Vienna Airport – 344 km – 3.5 hours drive

Brno Airport – 292 km – 3.5 hours drive

Budapest Airport – 375 km – 4 hours drive





Arriving by car

Liptovsky Mikuláš is well connected to main Europe transit lines by highway D1 – E50 in both, east and west, directions.


Arriving by train

Liptovsky Mikuláš is situated on main Slovak railway connection between two biggest cities Bratislava and Kosice. Fast trains are arriving every two hours.


Slovakia is member-state of the European Union. The Slovak embassy in your country will provide you with all detailed information about visas. You will find details on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic at http://www.foreign.gov.sk/web/sk

Slovak Canoe Association will assist in processing Immigration visa applications for all participants of the Championships. For this service please contact us at info@canoeslalom.sk


Tuesday / Friday free
Saturday / Sunday  3 EUR per day
2 days ticket  5 EUR
Children till 15 years old free